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Home arrow Hörproben arrow Piano-Brothers Live 2010
(Mini-MP3-Player v2 ©Ute Jacobi)
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eine kleine aber feine Auswahl, der aktuellen CD:

... Piano-Brothers Live 2010 ...

"Play the Boogie"

"Play the Boogie"

Boogie Woogie Man (Albert Ammons, Pete Johnson, arr. Piano-Brothers)

"Play the Boogie"

Honky Tonk Train Blues (Mead Lux Lewis, arr. Piano-Brothers)

"Play the Boogie"

Cutt the Boogie (Piano-Brothers)

"Play the Boogie"

Foot Pedal Boogie (Albert Ammons, arr. Piano-Brothers)

"Play the Boogie"

Roll` em Pete (Pete Johnson, arr. Piano-Brothers

Die CD können Sie natürlich hier direkt bestellen.
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